US Open

Location Main Hall
Director(s) Andrew Hall
Eligibility Everyone
Open or Invitational? Open

The main event! A five-round, Swiss-McMahon style tournament held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings. All rounds begin at 9:00 a.m. The winner of the Open section will be crowned the new US Open Champion.

(This year, we are only holding five instead of the usual six rounds due to logistical problems with the playing hall. Players are free to schedule self-pair games to increase their ratings accuracy. Playing areas will be available for this starting on Sunday.)

Registration: Attendees planning to play in the US Open MUST confirm their participation upon check-in to the US Go Congress. All players who have an AGA rating are required to enter at a rank consistent with their latest AGA rating; exceptions to this rule will be allowed only with the explicit approval of the tournament directors (TDs). Players who do not have AGA ratings must enter at a rank approved by the TD. Players who wish to play in the Open section must have an AGA rating of 7.0 or higher, or the permission of the directors.

Byes: All changes must be made by 8 PM of registration day or they will not apply to the first round. Late registrants will miss the first round. If you wish to skip any game of the tournament, be sure to request a “bye” from the TDs before 8 PM the day before the round you will miss. If a bye is not recorded ahead of time and you miss your round, you will automatically forfeit the game.

Time Limits: The limit is 90 minutes per player. The overtime allotment will be 5 periods of 30 seconds each. See the section on Rules, Regulations, and Etiquette for a further explanation of overtime.

Handicaps: Games will be even in most sections, with a compensation to white (komi) of 7.5 points. In the lower kyu sections the TD will assign handicaps based on band differences. In handicap games, komi for white is 0.5 points.

Rules: AGA rules will be used. Komi for white is 7.5 points.

Prizes: Top players in each section according to McMahon scoring will receive prizes. The highest scoring player will be the new US Open Champion. Award sections will be divided based on the number of participants at each entering rank.

Game Recording: The Congress welcomes volunteers to act as game recorders during the tournament. See one of the TDs to volunteer.

Sealed Moves: After 12 noon, either player may request a 60 minute adjournment for lunch before his/her turn. Play is suspended when the player who is to move seals the next move along with the adjournment time in an envelope and stops the clock. The envelope is left with the TD. If a player has not returned at the end of the adjournment period, his/her clock may be restarted by the TD.