
AGF Congress Scholarships for Students

The American Go Foundation (AGF) is increasing funding for young people attending the US Go Congress. Youth who played in any of the main online events (Redmond Cup, North American Kyu Championship, AGA Girls Cup), can apply for a $200 Tournament Scholarship. Players who participated in 2020 and 2021 may claim an extra $50 per year as well.

Youth may also apply for a separate $300 by writing an essay, for a total of $500 per person. There are 20 scholarships allotted for the US, with 5 more for Canada and Mexico. All scholarships are first come first serve.

Youth Scholarships

To apply for either or both scholarships:

College Scholarships

Participants must be 26 or younger and actively enrolled in college. Graduate and undergraduate students are both eligible for a $200 scholarship. All scholarships are first come first serve, with 20 allotted for the US and 5 allotted to be split between Canada and Mexico.