
Meal plans for the 2018 US Go Congress. All taxes and gratuities are included in these prices.

Meals will be served at the Sadler Center Food Court, where quality food stations provide several food choices for individual attendee diets. The Food Court is located on the main floor of the Sadler Center. For the USGC, the food court will accept meal plan “swipes,” cash and credit. Different levels of cost savings will be passed on to the attendees based on the meal plan selected. The savings come as a percentage to the food court cost at the door without meal plan, since attendees can pay cash or credit without a meal plan.

The proposed savings to door costs are as follows:

Meal Plans do not include USGC Banquet.

Breakfast will be served from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM, lunch from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM, and dinner served from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Plan Age Description Price
Breakfast (B)
Lunch (L)
Breakfast and Lunch (BL)
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (BLD)
No Meal Plan